An Integrated Approach.


Agile methods are iterative and incremental, allowing for constant feedback and adaptability. They emphasize customer collaboration and satisfaction, as well as working prototypes over process documentation. Agile teams are typically small, self-organizing, and cross-functional with a focus on delivering business value quickly. This makes them well-suited to today’s fast-paced, constantly changing business environment.

  • Faster time to market: agile methods emphasize working prototypes over process documentation
  • Increased customer satisfaction: agile methods place a strong emphasis on customer collaboration
  • Improved quality: agile methods promote constant feedback and adaptability
  • Greater flexibility: agile teams are typically small, self-organizing, and cross-functional
  • Higher ROI: because agile methods lead to faster time to market and increased customer satisfaction, they typically result in a higher return on investment (ROI) than traditional waterfall methods


FinOps provides a number of benefits that can help to improve an organization’s cloud service delivery performance. When implemented correctly, FinOps can lead to responsible cost management, improved forecasting and planning capabilities, and stronger relationships with cloud service providers. It is an essential tool for any organization looking to maximize the use of its cloud resources.

  • FinOps can help to understand the optimal amount of cloud resource required by an organization’s products and services
  • FinOps can improve an organization’s forecasting and planning around cloud expenditure
  • FinOps can build better relationships with cloud service providers. By working more closely with these providers and understanding their service models and pricing structures, organizations can negotiate better deals and terms that can save them money in the long run


Technology has revolutionized the world, and there are countless ways in which technology solutions can benefit your organization. Often, the challenge for organizational leadership is how to measure these benefits in a defensible and repeatable way. Use the TBM discipline to:

  • Increase Efficiency: automation and other forms of tech can help you get more work done in less time, freeing up your staff to focus on other tasks
  • Improve Communication: collaboration platforms make it easier than ever to stay in touch with customers, clients, and employees
  • Achieve Greater System Accuracy: automated systems can eliminate human error, and data-tracking tools can help you make more informed decisions
  • Enhance Customer Service Technology: enhance customer service by improving order fulfillment and help desk support
  • Develop Better Brand Recognition and Reputation: establish a strong social media presence, implement a content marketing strategy and perfect search engine optimization techniques

Developing an Integrated Agile, FinOps and TBM Approach

Assess the organization: gauge the significance of technology to the organization and quantify which technology investments would have the most impact

Evaluate tools: illustrate the role of data to measure achievement of objectives, understand if the existing tools model data in a way that permit risk assessment and decision making

Decide on metrics: choose metrics you want to track, think of what will bring you value and help you achieve your goals

Execute and optimize: begin with one project, be prepared to be flexible and make changes based on your specific objectives

Achieve quick wins: gain stakeholder support and buy-in by identifying and achieving quick wins that matter

The opportunity to maximize the value of technology requires a fundamental understanding of all aspects of the technology life cycle. This, in turn, necessitates an equally strong foundation in business process and organizational strategy. At its core, an integrated Agile, FinOps and TBM approach is about assessing needs and designing tailor-made solutions that add value to organizations.

Agile, FinOps and TBM are excellent disciplines supported by large communities of practice. In order to achieve the full advantages of these approaches, you need an experienced partner. Otherwise, you may find yourself struggling to adopt and implement them in an effective manner.

Find success with those who have done it before.

As with any management approach, there is no perfect choice about what an organization needs. Whether it is Agile, FinOps or TBM; all frameworks have several positives. They also have typical issues that cannot be ignored. Professionally trained and experienced practitioners and coaches can guide you on the options that could take care of your organization’s requirements.

To learn more about how Tenacious Solutions can help you maximize the value of your technology, please contact us.