IT Portfolio Management

Align IT investments with program mission, objectives, and goals.


The application of systematic management to an agency’s IT investments, programs, projects, and expenditures.

Technology Business Management (TBM)

  • A management framework that provides transparency into the demand for IT services, alignment of IT services to business outcomes, and the cost of those IT services
  • Provides an understanding of how IT services and investments enable agency business capabilities


  • Complete cost allocation model with IT products/services and business units
  • Develop consumption-based modeling of Infrastructure, Applications, and Services
  • Create reporting and use insights gained for decision making
  • Iterate on data quality and availability


  • A management discipline of bringing together technology, lines of business, and finance to master the unit economics of cloud; manage the cloud vendors and implement rate and discount optimizations


  • Define and develop usage, spend thresholds, cost allocations, budget anomalies, and forecasting model with unit cost calculations
  • Manage cloud vendors and implement rate and discount optimizations


  • A decision making process that ensures IT investments integrate strategic planning, budgeting, procurement, and management with a focus on the agency’s mission, business needs, and Target Architecture
  • Enables selection, management, and performance evaluation of the agency’s IT


  • Incorporate prioritization approach for selecting new IT investments — ensure alignment with agency Target Architecture
  • Certify current IT investments are providing value
  • Apply lessons learned to next iteration of IT Investment selection and management


  • An iterative approach to project management and software development that helps teams deliver value to their customers faster via smaller, consumable, increments as opposed to a “big bang” approach
  • A focus on continuous releases and customer feedback


  • Manage IT Programs and Projects via project parts (iterations) presented to the customer after each release
  • Facilitate creation and growth of a Lean Enterprise
  • Maintain project schedules, budgets, and resources


  • A comprehensive view of people, business processes, data/info, technology, and their inter-relationships
  • Ensures business and IT are aligned to agency Target Architecture objectives
  • Keeps organizations ahead of emerging technologies


  • Document agency IT Current State Architecture
  • Identify gaps and deficiencies to improve upon
  • Depict agency Target Architecture, emerging technology, and trends desired for adaption

To learn more about how Tenacious Solutions can help you achieve IT Portfolio Management, please contact us.